Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Today’s Standard: A Strategy Guide to Standard

With all of my recent success at Magic the Gathering I thought that it would be selfish of me not to share some of my vast Magic knowledge with the online community. I have written down my tried and true methods of winning versus each deck type.

Vs Jund: Don’t play with creatures, or play with creatures that have shroud.

Vs Destructive Force/Primevil Titan: Win before they get 6 mana

Mythic Conscription: Kill every creature, no matter what, when they hit the board… That includes plant tokens too

Polymorph: LOL

Super Friends: Tell them, no insist, that you only play by the new “no planeswalkers allowed” rule

Next Level Bant: Don’t let them hit you.

Stoneforge Mystic Decks: I have made a sample sideboard to beat this deck 4 Disenchant, 4 Shatterstorm, 4 Naturalize, and 2 Scrib sprites… (who didn’t love scrib sprits? They were the best card ever back in the day in my GU deck when I played like in revised. Damn they were the bomb. You couldn’t stop me when my Flying Men or Scrib Sprites got an unstable mutation on them… they were so good! Anyways I got a little distracted… has this whole thing been in parenthesis?)

Anyways, so all you have to do to win in Today’s standard metagame is have no creatures or all shroud creatures, kill every creature when it hits the board, don’t let your opponents play Planeswalkers,take no damage from creatures or spells, and laugh at people who play polymorph. With a proper sideboard that reflects the needs to face a Stoneforge Mystic deck you can win any game. What about Rogue decks you ask… no one plays rogue decks ever, and if you do you are a communist… there, I said it.

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