Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Interview: Demon at Death's Gate

Demon at Death’s Gate
Current Value $9.00

Well, we have a very special guest today. Our guest today is fresh from his debut appearance in Magic 2011 Core set and I will give you a hint… I summoned him by sacrificing 3 Reassembling Skeletons … it’s Demon at Death’s Gate!
Joe: Hello Demon at Death’s Gate, it is such a pleasure to meet you.
Demon at Death’s Gate: Thank you very much.
Joe: So, how are you doing today?
D@DG: Oh, I am fabulous, what a great day it is today.
Joe: Well, yes… um… So what is new with you? What sort of things does a Demon like you do?
D@DG: Well, I am simply over the moon because I got a new puppy. He is a Yorkshire Terrier and he is so adorable.
Joe: um… really?
D@DG: Of course, and he is brown with white paws and I named him Mittens.
Joe: you’re kidding me

D@DG: No, I wouldn’t do that to you sweetie.

Joe: Are you saying you are gay?

D@DG: Well, since we are demons Wizards of the Coast gives us all major drawbacks… which is pretty gay.
Joe: Bazzzzzing!
D@DG: Seriously…

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