Monday, October 22, 2012

ORCs say the darndest things

A player named Pigeon on Magic Online wanted to know if the ORCs worked out of their home or Office... this was his response.

ORCs say the darndest things

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Return to Ravnica Pro Tour Day One

I fixed the flavor text to Aquus Steed.
Watching the Return to Ravnica Pro Tour draft last night really opened my eyes to a few new card interactions that I love.  Hearing Zac Hill and Marshall Whathisname talk about the drafting choices was really entertaining.  It made me really appreciate everyone in the community that contributes original content.  I have tried my hand at it a few times with limited results, but success isn't what motivates me... it is the love of the game.

The commentary was colorful, entertaining, and pretty spontaneous at times.  I loved the play by play that the announcers gave, interwoven with tales from card development here and there, mixed with a few *groan* moments (I am looking at you Rich.)  To be honest, I didn't really care for the interviews too much.  BDM is amazing at deck techs, Rich is pretty well rounded, but there are moments where I wonder "what could they do differently?"

Here is a list of things that could be added to the cast.

  • Player history Bio screen (like the old Pro-player cards).
  • R&D timeline - Show the transitions a card has made through development.  
  • Accurate life totals on screen (not meant to be a stab at Jackie Lee)
  • More informed deck techs (watching Raphael Levy's was pretty hard to do.) 
  • Deck histories.  
  • More than two interviewers
Those are just a few things that they could change to make for a more compelling webcast.  I have played forever, and I do not know all of the contributions player XYZ has made to magic... they should do that for all of the top 8 players.  Just do a short bio, and an interview with their picture by it.  I know that this is done to some extent, but there needs to be more of it.  If you want the fans of the game to have a favorite player they need to be able to see more than just video of their gameplay.  Interviews about the playstyle that they choose, and what influences them when they play.

I think that a Deck History segment would be awesome.  It would be more than just a deck tech, but highlights of famous plays, and incarnations of the deck.  Showing the old Cascading jund from Alara to our more modern jund would be amazing.  

Also, the interviewers are awesome, but I think there are so many other talented E-casters out there that deserve a shot.  Rich's interview with Patrick Chapin was good.  Like, that is it... it was good.  If you have seen Patrick talk on other ecasts or videos he has a very energetic personality.  Rich did not draw that out of him at all.  Two of the questions that he asked were absolutely terrible.  One of which was the "hiding in a dark corner" one, and the other was about his mother... and wondering about how she felt about his pro-tour induction.  Patrick's answers to both of these were good, and I encourage you to watch the interviews for yourself on the WOTC website.  

Also, last but not least... the life total thing is so out of hand.  Jackie Lee getting Dq'd sucks, and even the E-casters have a hard time keeping up with the life totals.   A judge should be in control of the life totals that appear on screen somehow.  I am sure it wouldn't be hard to arrange. 

Thanks for having a read, and thanks for visiting my blog.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Return to Ravnica part 1

My first attempt at a Magic the Gathering video podcast... meh.  There is a few funny jabs in there...

I think I will stick to my written work :D

Monday, June 20, 2011

Interview: Jace Beleren

Jace, the Mind Sculptor

Current Value: $59.99

Today we have rare opportunity of mythic proportions, we are sitting down with Jace Beleren, aka: Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Welcome to the show Mr. Beleren.

Jace: Thank you for having me. Long time fan of the show.

Joe: Well Jace, you called my agent last night concerning and interview this morning and I have to say it was a big shock... you said you had an announcement to make?

Jace: Yes, as of today it brings me a bittersweet sadness to announce that I am going into early retirement.

*shock in the audience, dismay, and disbelief can be heard.*

Joe:What do you mean? This is incredible...

Jace: Yes, I am retiring. I have come to this decision after a long negotiation process with the "powers that be" concerning Lilliana's exclusion from M12. If she has to go, I will go as well...

Joe: Isn't that a bit extreme. You have a steady market, and there is no way but up for you... these last few weeks are going to be your best. Besides, everyone loves you.

Jace: To quote a dear friend of mine "fame, doing it for the fame, 'cause we wanna live the life of the rich and famous" There is no need to do something for the sake of being the best if you get no gratification out of it anymore.

Joe: You are friends with Lady Gaga?

Jace: I think you are missing the point.

Joe: Yeah, How did you meet Lady Gaga?

Jace: Well, I should get going. I want to publicly state that while I know a lot of other cards resented me I had a lot of super friends. I just want to thank you for being there for me.

Joe: That is so amazing... Lady Gaga... wow. Is he is nice in person as he sounds on his cd's?

Jace: Well, I guess I am off... time to bounce.

Joe: Wait! One more question.

Jace: Yeah...

Joe: You totally know I knew you were banned right?

*Jace vanishes*

Joe: dick...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

MTGO Disconnected

Don't you hate it when you are playing MTGO and your opponent gets disconected for like 10 minutes? Sometimes I think it is a conscience attempt by my opponent to frazel me, or to simply get me to walk away from my computer myself. It always seems to happen when I am winning, and in a hurry too. I say to myself "I got this" and formulate my game winning plan... Well, turns out I should write this plan down so I dont forget it over my opponents ten minute absences... I will eventually loose those matches out of frustration. Call me a washing machine because I easily get agitated with these "disconectors" and it works out to thier advantage.

Next time I play in a mtgo tournament I am just going to stay focused during my opponents frequent disconects, and write down my plans... just don't write down your plans in chat... that'd be a bad idea.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Goblin Hero part 2

Goblin Hero Interview part 2

Joe: Here we are sitting down with Goblin Hero for part two of our interview. He is the famous goblin action star from such movies as Last Goblin Hero, and the heart-warming My Goblin.
GH: Thanks again for having me.
Joe: So everyone is wondering, how is life after Merieke? Ms. Berit and yourself had a very public break-up a couple of months ago… How are you doing now.
GH: Well… to be honest that is all under the bridge now, Merieke and I will always be good friends, and I wish her the best of luck in all of her future endeavors.
Joe: How do you feel about the allegations that you are violent… sexually
GH: Of COURSE I AM… people used to say that about me all of the time! I don’t know what it is such a huge surprise. Now some people just think of me as some sort of lazy goblin lackey…
Joe: She also drew attention to the plastic surgery that you have had over the years… she says that you don’t look like the gruff goblin hero of the day when you first met, but more like a polished movie star.
GH: THAT IS RIDICULOUS! I have had no such surgery done, you can ask my family doctor.
Joe: Well sir, we have some photos of you from your earlier headshots compared to your new headshot on the right… You do not see the difference?

GH: *look of disdain* No I don’t… you have a problem man?
Joe: No sir, our readers just wanted us to address these allegations that Ms Berit had brought up.
GH: Listen, you wanna #@%ing throw down, I will throw down!
Joe: Are you kidding me?
GH: Do I look like I am $^%$ing kidding? *stands up*
Joe: It looks like this is something for the readers to decide
GH: You wanna find the end of my steel in your chest?
Joe: ...Well, that looks like all the time we have for today. Thank you for your time today Mr Goblin Hero, your Napoleonic nonsense was very entertaining.

Interview: Goblin Hero

Goblin Hero
Current Value: $0.15
Origin Set: The Dark

Joe: Today I am so very excited to be interviewing someone that I have always looked up to, he was an early favorite of mine… Welcome to the show, Goblin Hero!
Goblin Hero: It is a pleasure to be on your show Joseph, and thank you for those kind words.
Joe: *visibly excited* No, thank you sir for being on my show (Joe looks to the camera and whispers “He called me Joseph”)
Goblin Hero: Well, it is a pleasure.
Joe: Well, I am very excited to have you on the show because you have done some of the greatest movies that Dominara has ever seen.
GH: Well, thank you… I have done a few.
Joe: Well, the first movie I had ever seen you in was My Goblin, and the part at the end where you get stung by bees and your character dies just makes me cry every time. How do you prepare for a part like that.
GH: Well I covered myself in honey ,and I hung out in Unyaro for a weekend just throwing rocks at bee hives.
Joe: Ouch…
GH: Yeah, it certainly helped me prepare.
Joe: On another note I saw you in a couple public service announcements for Goblin History Month this last October. I really liked your PSA about Glarg, the inventor of the Goblin toothbrush.
GH: Well, I did my PSA about Glarg because his invention was at an important time in goblin history. At that time goblins were first starting to invent rocket power so there were some problems… either way the explosion would take care of your teeth.
Joe: I’d say *smiles*
Well folks, tune in for part two of our interview tomorrow where we discuss his upcoming projects, love after Merieke Ri Berit, and rumors of plastic surgery.