Thursday, December 2, 2010

Goblin Hero part 2

Goblin Hero Interview part 2

Joe: Here we are sitting down with Goblin Hero for part two of our interview. He is the famous goblin action star from such movies as Last Goblin Hero, and the heart-warming My Goblin.
GH: Thanks again for having me.
Joe: So everyone is wondering, how is life after Merieke? Ms. Berit and yourself had a very public break-up a couple of months ago… How are you doing now.
GH: Well… to be honest that is all under the bridge now, Merieke and I will always be good friends, and I wish her the best of luck in all of her future endeavors.
Joe: How do you feel about the allegations that you are violent… sexually
GH: Of COURSE I AM… people used to say that about me all of the time! I don’t know what it is such a huge surprise. Now some people just think of me as some sort of lazy goblin lackey…
Joe: She also drew attention to the plastic surgery that you have had over the years… she says that you don’t look like the gruff goblin hero of the day when you first met, but more like a polished movie star.
GH: THAT IS RIDICULOUS! I have had no such surgery done, you can ask my family doctor.
Joe: Well sir, we have some photos of you from your earlier headshots compared to your new headshot on the right… You do not see the difference?

GH: *look of disdain* No I don’t… you have a problem man?
Joe: No sir, our readers just wanted us to address these allegations that Ms Berit had brought up.
GH: Listen, you wanna #@%ing throw down, I will throw down!
Joe: Are you kidding me?
GH: Do I look like I am $^%$ing kidding? *stands up*
Joe: It looks like this is something for the readers to decide
GH: You wanna find the end of my steel in your chest?
Joe: ...Well, that looks like all the time we have for today. Thank you for your time today Mr Goblin Hero, your Napoleonic nonsense was very entertaining.

Interview: Goblin Hero

Goblin Hero
Current Value: $0.15
Origin Set: The Dark

Joe: Today I am so very excited to be interviewing someone that I have always looked up to, he was an early favorite of mine… Welcome to the show, Goblin Hero!
Goblin Hero: It is a pleasure to be on your show Joseph, and thank you for those kind words.
Joe: *visibly excited* No, thank you sir for being on my show (Joe looks to the camera and whispers “He called me Joseph”)
Goblin Hero: Well, it is a pleasure.
Joe: Well, I am very excited to have you on the show because you have done some of the greatest movies that Dominara has ever seen.
GH: Well, thank you… I have done a few.
Joe: Well, the first movie I had ever seen you in was My Goblin, and the part at the end where you get stung by bees and your character dies just makes me cry every time. How do you prepare for a part like that.
GH: Well I covered myself in honey ,and I hung out in Unyaro for a weekend just throwing rocks at bee hives.
Joe: Ouch…
GH: Yeah, it certainly helped me prepare.
Joe: On another note I saw you in a couple public service announcements for Goblin History Month this last October. I really liked your PSA about Glarg, the inventor of the Goblin toothbrush.
GH: Well, I did my PSA about Glarg because his invention was at an important time in goblin history. At that time goblins were first starting to invent rocket power so there were some problems… either way the explosion would take care of your teeth.
Joe: I’d say *smiles*
Well folks, tune in for part two of our interview tomorrow where we discuss his upcoming projects, love after Merieke Ri Berit, and rumors of plastic surgery.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Zendikar Red Cross endorses Blood Seeker

The Zendikar Red Cross announced today that they are endorsing Bloodseeker for his tireless efforts to seek blood donations for the charitable cause. A spokesperson for the Zendikar Red Cross, Christine Sengir, said that “Mr. Seeker is a model citizen, whose tireless efforts will no longer go unnoticed. “ Mrs Sengir continued “…and just yesterday Mr. Seeker brought in 10 gallons of blood donations, and almost half of it was voluntary.” Blood Seeker was awarded a plaque of recognition and a pin that symbolized his ongoing efforts and the sacrifices he has made.
We had an opportunity to speak with Mr. Seeker very briefly after his recognition ceremony. When asked about how people could contact him in the future about blood donations he said “a drop now is all I need to find you later”

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Today’s Standard: A Strategy Guide to Standard

With all of my recent success at Magic the Gathering I thought that it would be selfish of me not to share some of my vast Magic knowledge with the online community. I have written down my tried and true methods of winning versus each deck type.

Vs Jund: Don’t play with creatures, or play with creatures that have shroud.

Vs Destructive Force/Primevil Titan: Win before they get 6 mana

Mythic Conscription: Kill every creature, no matter what, when they hit the board… That includes plant tokens too

Polymorph: LOL

Super Friends: Tell them, no insist, that you only play by the new “no planeswalkers allowed” rule

Next Level Bant: Don’t let them hit you.

Stoneforge Mystic Decks: I have made a sample sideboard to beat this deck 4 Disenchant, 4 Shatterstorm, 4 Naturalize, and 2 Scrib sprites… (who didn’t love scrib sprits? They were the best card ever back in the day in my GU deck when I played like in revised. Damn they were the bomb. You couldn’t stop me when my Flying Men or Scrib Sprites got an unstable mutation on them… they were so good! Anyways I got a little distracted… has this whole thing been in parenthesis?)

Anyways, so all you have to do to win in Today’s standard metagame is have no creatures or all shroud creatures, kill every creature when it hits the board, don’t let your opponents play Planeswalkers,take no damage from creatures or spells, and laugh at people who play polymorph. With a proper sideboard that reflects the needs to face a Stoneforge Mystic deck you can win any game. What about Rogue decks you ask… no one plays rogue decks ever, and if you do you are a communist… there, I said it.

Interview: Demon at Death's Gate

Demon at Death’s Gate
Current Value $9.00

Well, we have a very special guest today. Our guest today is fresh from his debut appearance in Magic 2011 Core set and I will give you a hint… I summoned him by sacrificing 3 Reassembling Skeletons … it’s Demon at Death’s Gate!
Joe: Hello Demon at Death’s Gate, it is such a pleasure to meet you.
Demon at Death’s Gate: Thank you very much.
Joe: So, how are you doing today?
D@DG: Oh, I am fabulous, what a great day it is today.
Joe: Well, yes… um… So what is new with you? What sort of things does a Demon like you do?
D@DG: Well, I am simply over the moon because I got a new puppy. He is a Yorkshire Terrier and he is so adorable.
Joe: um… really?
D@DG: Of course, and he is brown with white paws and I named him Mittens.
Joe: you’re kidding me

D@DG: No, I wouldn’t do that to you sweetie.

Joe: Are you saying you are gay?

D@DG: Well, since we are demons Wizards of the Coast gives us all major drawbacks… which is pretty gay.
Joe: Bazzzzzing!
D@DG: Seriously…

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dauntless Escort Ring warrants issued.

A federal court has issued warrants for the arrest of several of the clients of the Rhino Day Spa. Most notable among the warrants released was Noble Hierarch, and has been linked to the Bant Cartels latest string of activities. It is no surprise that the Bant Cartel is disavowing any connection to Nobel Heirarch and her entourage who reportedly includes Lotus Cobra and Birds of Paradise.
The prosecuting attorney released this statement about Hierarchs involvement “it is obvious that Nobel Hierarch is the ringleader in this case. Between Ms. Hierarchs cronies and herself they have almost unlimited resources. Ms. Hierarch specializes in summoning for the Bant Cartel and I will prove that she is anything but Noble.”
A counter statement was issued by the Bant Cartels Attorney “Ms. Hierarch is clearly a victim of a string of unwarranted attacks by local law enforcement and we are filling suit against them accordingly. We have evidence showing that the officers in question incited a pyroclasm seriously injuring my client and her entourage. An incident that she barely made it out alive.”
One thing is for certain that when a list of issued arrests is made public is will rock the very foundation of the Seaside Citidal.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tome Scour: Jalum Tome

Tome Scour
The Magic the Gathering Book Club

For the first week of the Tome Scour book club we are going to read a classic, chosen by our panel of distinguished persons of note. This week’s book is Jalum Tome suggested by Orcish Librarian. He said that “Not only is this book a classic, it is what a lot of Professor’s teach their daring apprentices out of at the Tolarian Academy… plus it is also quite delicious.”
I thought with such a great suggestion like that I would go over to my nearest Sylvan Library and pick up a copy.

Police Booking Blotter

Police Booking Blotter added to Magic Interview. I am really excited about this because I think people NEED to know what is going on in the MTG universe. So far Orcish Spy is freelancing for us, and we are working on getting the associated spy network on here as well. *wink*

Recently Dauntless escort has got himself into some trouble. More information available here.

Elite Vanguard

Elite Vanguard
Current Value: $1.00
Origin Set: M10
Joe: Today we are speaking with Elite Vanguard on his appearance in his sophomore set M1!. Welcome to the show Elite Vanguard.
Elite Vanguard: Yo yo yo wassup bra! You can just call me 1337 hommie.
Joe: Ok, Leet… How do you feel about the new core set M11.
1337: Yo, it is like dis yo… Im all up on the seen in M10 looking like nothing that has neva been seen befoe and they like “yo EV, you gots to come back baby!”
Joe: I’m not sure that is entirely true, aren’t you just a soldier version of Savannah Lions?
1337: Yo, that is bull sh!t and you know it. I don’t need dis disrespectin… B@#$! Have I shown you my sword? It is tight yo and hella sharp so I would watch wut you saying … yo.
Joe: Well, I certainly didn’t mean any disrespect by that sir, I was just saying that you are an uncommon version of a rare card.
1337: Hell’s yes I know dat yo. Dey was like, yo boy you be all that so we are gonna print you as an uncommon. They never ever made a rare an uncommon because it was as hot as me. I am the best uncommon of all time yo!
Joe: Wasn’t Force of Will an Uncommon?
1337: Wut you say to me?
Joe: Wasn’t Force of Will uncommon? As a matter of fact Sol Ring and Mana Drain was an uncommon too.
1337: Man, I hurd wut you said yo… why be dissin yo… *sniffles* I’m just trying to make my mark and all I get is made fun of by White Knight.
Joe: I’m so sorry, I had no idea.
1337: I wasn’t even going to be printed in M11… I had to do some things I am not proud of to get into the new core set… dirty things… I’m sorry. I have to go confess to my preacher.
Joe: Well, that looks like all of the time we have today...
1337: I am such a phoney... I hate myself. I just talk like this because it is cool.
Joe: It isn't really cool.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Conundrum Sphinx

Today we are taking some time to talk to a new M11 release in his rookie season I want to welcome to the show... Conundrum Sphinx.

Welcome Mr Sphinx, how are you?

Conundrom Sphinx: How do you think I am? Care to take a guess?
Joe: Well, I am sure you are pretty nervous. It is a new M11 season and it is your rookie year. Can you give me any insight to how you are feeling?
CS: I guessed you would ask that. The question is how do any of us feel?
Joe: Well, I hear that Baneslayer is excited to start her second season in M11.
CS: Baneslayer! Let me tell you a thing or two about Baneslayer... Did you ask her about why her prices are dropping?
Joe: Are you implying that you are impacting the price of the market more than Baneslayer herself?
CS: I would never imply that, I am just saying her prices were ripped faster than a prom dress in a limo full of frat boys.
Joe: Well, wow... So you are saying that she is cheap
CS: Is that what you think I am implying?
Joe: Then what are you implying?
CS: Let me answer your question with a question? Do you think that Blue is the best color in magic today?
Joe: I would say it is doing pretty well right now, but...
CS: But what? You know that with Mana Leak and Time reversal blue is the color to beat.
Joe: I dont think that we have time to talk about the metagame right now...
CS: Don't think I dont know what you are up to! You are prejudice against Blue cards! You all are... Ever since Time Walk and Ancestral Recall the rest of blue has been paying for what they did to the game in 1994! Nineteen Ninety Four! Why cant we have good cards anymore!
Joe: Well I think that is all of the time that we have for the day... It was a pleasure to have Conundrum Sphinx here today
CS: Ninety Foooooour!


Current Value: $40 - $50

Today we are sitting down with Vengevine. One of the break out mythic rares of Rise of Eldrazi. Thank you for joining us today Vengevine
Vengevine: It is a pleasure. Thank you for having me
Joe: Well, you know that show. A quick five minute interview… Let’s get started. What is your favorite set?
Vengevine: Without a doubt it’d be Rize of Eldrazi
Joe: oookay, What is your favorite card? Well, besides yourself of course… do you have anyone else that you get along well with?
Vengevine: Ranger of Eos and Myself have a pretty good relationship. I appreciate his role in the whole “bringing me back to life” thing… even though you can’t ever really kill me, just piss me off more.
Joe: What is your favorite block ?
Vengevine: Are you serious with that question? Next question please.
Joe: Sorry, on a better subject…What is your Least Favorite Card?
Vengevine: Leyline of the Void
Joe: Ouch
Vengevine: I know right?
Joe: What do you think of the magic color pie right now?
Vengevine: it is
Joe: How long have you played?
Vengevine: A few of months now… didn’t you ask that already?
Joe: No, I didn’t actually. Do you have a favorite food?
Vengevine: Scute Mobs… they are so good when they are little… I don’t like the big ones though…
Joe: What is your favorite magic euphemism?
Vengvine: What is a euphemism?
Joe: well that is all the time I have today… next time I will be asking Serra Angel about her alleged relationship with Baneslayer Angel and why she made her decision to come out of the closet so late in life. Thanks for your time and have a great weekend.

Jason Stoffa

Jason S. Stoffa

Current DCI Ranking: Standard 1771 (Tied for 9th Place in Myrtle Beach)

I have known Jason for a while. To be a bit more precise I actually met Jason the third day I was in Myrtle Beach and I have lived here for about 7 years. We have been pretty good friends off and on since then… getting in little spats here and there. He is a really good friend, and now a co-worker of mine so I took that as an opportunity to give him a quick 5 minute interview.

Joe: What is your favorite set?
Jason: ooh, that is a tough one… Legends. It was a big deal to a lot of players when it came out.
What is your favorite card?
Jason: Ever? Wow, you put me on the spot. Tinderwall, it lead to a lot of good things.
What is your favorite block ?
Jason: Ravnica
What is your Least Favorite Card?
Jason: played against me?... counterspell
Joe: What do you think of the magic color pie right now?
Jason: What is that? *pause* Cmon that isn’t fair… are you writing that down?
Joe: It is the magic color wheel and how it relates to the other colors at the time
Jason: Oh, red green is getting better… it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Joe: How long have you played?
Jason: Unlimited
Joe: Do you have a favorite food?
Jason: Lasagna
What is your favorite magic euphemism?
Jason: I’d tap that
Joe: hahaha… good one. Do you have a favorite magic moment?
Jason: Being able to Clone my Avalanche Riders *smiles*
I’m not sure if that works…? Does it?

Sam Leavitt

Samuel I. Leavitt

Current DCI Ranking
Standard: 1690

I have known Sam for a bit and he is my go to guy on my drive home from work. So everyday that I drive myself home from my awesome job I get an opportunity to speak with Sam. Sam and I rarely see eye to eye on Magic Strategy, Religion, or more importantly... card choices. So in order to better understand Sam I conducted a five minute interview with Sam today over the phone. Here is my recolection of the conversation.

Hey Sam, I was wondering what your favorite set was?
Sam: What?
Joe: What is your favorite set?
Sam: Oh, Mercadian Masques (I think he mispronounces mercadian too… I have to look that one up)
Joe: What is your favorite card?
Sam: I almost said false prophet… l think it’d be plagiarize.
Joe: What do you think of the magic color pie right now?
Sam: I think Red is like 33-38% of the pie instead of the 20% it should be.
Joe: How long have you played?
Sam: Since Ice Age
Joe: What is your favorite block?
Sam: It’d have to be mercadian masques (He said it again… I really think it is a hard C in mercadian)
Joe: What is your favorite food?
Sam: Chinese
Joe: Have you ever had Fried Scryb Sprite?
Sam: Hahaha, no I haven’t.
What is your favorite magic moments?
Sam: When you sideboard perfectly… like when your opponent Dragonstorms and you play that card that doesn’t let them search their libraries
Joe: Shadow of a doubt
Sam: yeah.

Say Hi to Sam next time you see him and conduct you own interview yourself. Ladies... he is single ;)

Magic Interview

Another blogging idea by myself... hopefully this will be as fun as I imagine it to be. I sincerely think this will be a Friday only thing. I will post a new interview every week at least, but I may post new ones as I get them too.

Here goes nothing right ...